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Appendix C: Meeting Notes

Meeting Questions:
- What areas would you like to explore in this project? 
- Give your topic idea in one sentence.
- Are
there any personal sources you would recommend for us? 
- What do you think we should focus on in our final report?
- Has something like this project been attempted in the past, and if so, why did it not work out? 
- Are there specific departments within indy parks we will have our main focus on?
- What do you think can lead to a successful university and community engaged partnership?


Notes from Meeting:


  • Angle for this project 

- Want students involved in research, internships, and community entities
- Want students to be engaged in working with Indy Parks → marketing strategies 
- “real world”

- “authentic”

- There is no front door to access IUPUI

- HOW do we engage faculty?

- WHO do we talk to, to engage with the community?

- Indy parks has 200 parks with need and not enough staff to activate all parts of the parks
- HOW can Indy Parks plug in 50 classes at IUPUI?
- WHAT does Indy Parks need to know about IUPUI to work with us and vice versa?

  • WHAT barriers are there for students to participate in projects embedded in class?

- Time 
- Transportation
- Student awareness 

- 20-50 faculty to work with Indy Parks in a project and engage with Indy Parks
WHAT’S interesting?
- WHAT’S a challenge?

- Convince students that this is ‘COOL’ and why parks are important
- Real world problems that Indy Parks deal with and can be fixed by IUPUI students
- Engagement strategies 
- Volunteer opportunities for students
HOW can students go sign up?
- Include an app

  • Survey

- Ask anyone on campus
- Most helpful to survey IUPUI students 

  • Class Set-up Ideas:

- Each course adopts a park
- Science courses can go to a park and pull soil samples


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